What You Need To Know About A Bully Breed Puppy
Your Bully Breed Puppy Isn’t Like All The Other Puppies Puppies, all of them just like they come, do puppy things. Chewing, nipping,...
Should I Give My Dog CBD Oil
I love the fact that more holistic approaches are considered for treating behavior issues such as anxiety with dogs, but is it always the...
How To Chose The Right Walking Tool For Your Dog
Let me tell you the story of Cathie and her two big Labradors Charlie & Sam Cathie is a wonderful dog owner that due to some physical...
Questions To Ask The Rescue You Are Planning To Adopt From
Well I have to say, I’m struggling with the rescue culture and how hard it is to find a responsible rescue nowadays. For a long time I...
How Much Does Good Dog Training Really Cost?
When recently discussing a training program with a potential client we discussed what dog training really costs them. Funny enough, it...